Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I beat up 2 guys read didin;t went well?

Thursday 2 days ago me and my best friend where going to a burger shop at 8:23 pm to celebrate for something private :) I'm 18 years old Black night hair , dark blue eyes , white guy , if that helps!! my friend is short yellow hair , brown eyes , white . So i told him 'hey lets go' he said wait i want to get my girlfriend i said ok , 30 minutes passed he arrived with his gf , unfortunately we don't own cars yet . so i'l cut to the event ... we where very close to the shop when we encountered 2 black guys ( NO OFFENSE TO BLACK GUYS I RESPECT EVERYONE ) while we want to pass they started saying : wow look at that ***! look at here ... I stopped from walking , my friend said forget about them i looked at the girl , she was upset and here cheeks where red as hell . So i turned and said hey ! , they turned around and came and one of them said u talking to us hommie , i said APOLOGIZE shouting , my friend came and said : we don't want trouble guys just apologies and let us leave (in a low voice ) , they said ok and turned there back we turned our back and suddenly i saw my friend on the ground and being dragged , i look around and take a strong punch to my nose , i became very mad and raged on the guy , punching him on the vain spot under his ear on the neck which knocked him out , unfortunately my best friend was getting a beating and his girlfriend was being pushed by him at the same time , i ran at him , but the guy countered me and threw me on the floor . i was in big pain but he started attacking his girlfriend (Ps : that guy is really strong the other guy was knocked out easily but this guy is really strong) i reran at him and bashed him on the nose which made him fall while i was going to sit on him to finish him , he re punched me on my nose witch made me almost lose my conscious because i got 2 punches on my nose and u wont believe how much pain it delivers , then he ran pushed my friends girlfriend on floor and ran away while trying to revive his friend . i stayed on the floor till my friend came and helped me up we went to the police and showed them some scars in our body and i showed them my nose and we gave them the specification of the 2 guys . and we left i just have some question to ask !!

Question 1 : did we deserve it

Question 2 : did i do the wrong thing like the police said??

Question 3 : why did the fight start i mean why we just wanted an apology ?

Question 4 : my friends girlfriend never goes out with us at night anymore what should we do to comfort here ?

Question 5 : do i own my friends an apology?

Question 6 : why do i feel sorry for the guy that i knocked out i mean dont he deserve it and im thinking to go to the police to stop what i did should i do it ?

Thank you for listing sorry for taking your time and im 20 years old my best friend is 19 pls no stupid commentsI beat up 2 guys read didin;t went well?
1: Heck no.

2: Heck no again. would you rather die being beat up or survive by fighting back?

3:I guess those people were just overreactive pushovers.

4:go out during the day and tell her you guys won't fail at protecting her next time?

5:not really..it wouldn't hurt though.

6: no, he really deserves it. I think as you were standing up for your friends your very brave :P
i dont think u did anything wrong...

no u didnt deserve it obviously

maybe u should have just ignored them and walked the other way

u shouldnt have tlaked and encountered them in the first place

have her bf go talk to her and u go talk to her too

yes i a way

no u shouldnt feel badI beat up 2 guys read didin;t went well?
1: yes as a black woman I literally keep walking when a black guy says I have a nice *** and of course the try to talk and I do not respond back and the call me b****. you should have kept walking to avoid the situation. Black guys have the tendacy to fight regardless of anything. they are bullies. (that's y I don't date them even though I'm a black female.)2. What did you do wrong?3. Because you wanted them to kiss your *** and they don't do that4.get a vehicle so that you all can go out and have fun rather than walk and deal with stupid ppl.5.No, not your fault. But just say you hated that that happen to everyone.(even though you were the one who tried to make the guys apologize after your friend said leave it alone)6. Because you are a kind hearted guy(need more guys like you in the world).its over with so just forget it ok
Alright, no you didn't deserve it; I don't think you had a choice, as this started so randomly and spontaneously, and you couldn't just run and leave your friend and his girl; the fight started because those two meat heads are over aggressive SOBs who feel like every stranger who talks to them is out to get them; give the girl some time, from her point of view this is very traumatising, just let her know you two understand and be patient; If I were you I would apologize, just so they know you do feel bad, even if you weren't so much to blame, it makes you look like a good guy; You seem like a pretty peace loving, empathetic person so of course you feel bad for knocking out someone , regardless of what they did and going to the police was the right thing to do, these guys could seriously hurt other people, or you again, these kinds of people have ways of finding you out, and coming back in greater numbers
1- no one deserves getting beaten up for no reason.

2- In hindsight it was probably not a good thing to demand an apology, normally just best to take verbal abuse

3- it started because they felt threatened

4- she is scared the same will happen, go to the safest places you know, outside people's houses, back gardens for a while with her before going back to usual places

5- I would apologise but thats my opinion, you did save your friend at the same time

6- I was almost killed by 2 guys thinking I was someone else, I cracked one of their ribcages open and knocked a disk out of place in the other guys neck, I escaped with a stab wound to the arm and hand defending myself, do you think I feel sorry for them? They started it by getting violent, you finished it

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