Saturday, March 3, 2012

I cant remember the name of it.... there was 2 shows when i was growing up, i can only partly remember ..?

The first was based in a fast food restaurant, like a burger shop, and was a comedy. It focused on the staff and there interaction with customers and I can remember at the end of every episode the manager would lock the door, walk away from camera and the lights in the store would go off one by one. I think it was American, Im almost positive it was! Can anyone help. I remember a pink neon sign with a burger on it.

The 2nd was a show I was shown in school as a young child. Its about these kids who go off to a magical kingdom to help (educationally) save the people there. At the end of it they all end up back in their school playground...they were all kids like in cronicles of narnia...and they all have little shapes in their hand as momentos of what happened? any ideas?I cant remember the name of it.... there was 2 shows when i was growing up, i can only partly remember ..?
the first one sounds like Flo's (mel kiss my grits) but I can't remember the name.the second sounds like the great space coasterI cant remember the name of it.... there was 2 shows when i was growing up, i can only partly remember ..?
Alice- with Mel, Flo, Vera, and of course Alice

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