Mine is when I was walking through the food court in the mall, and all my friends and classmates were there. As i was walking with all my food burger drink... i tripped over some girls shopping bag and slid on the floor (including random chunks of food) and my food going everywhere making a huge noice. When i got up i was a mess, had the whole food court staring at me and so when the going gets tough.. i started crying :P
ps. that was in 7th gradeWhat is your most embarrasing moment, yes yes i know we have many :)?
haha idk mine was when i was a freshman
i was in algebra class and my friend and i decided to book it. so we both started running towards the door and there was a trash can, that kept the door open and she jumps over it and i thought i was going to make it and i didnt and i tripped over it and that big metal trash can fall down.. so emberassing
When I was in 6th grade, my whole grade was in Gym, and we were all playing tag. I had a bloody nose just before that was beginning to dry up, but sometimes, when I have a bloody nose, the blood sorta pools in my throat, as well, and I get these weird blood clots in my throat and mouth (gross, I know). Well, one of my friends "tagged" me, and it startled me so badly that I screamed, and this big blood clot flew out of my mouth and hit the gym floor. I don't think anyone actually saw it happen, so I just left it there, pretending it wasn't mine. About a minute later, I heard someone scream and fall..., As it turns out, one of my friends slipped on the blood clot, and fell on the floor. I still don't think anyone knew it was me, but to this day, I'm still mortified by it!!!What is your most embarrasing moment, yes yes i know we have many :)?
The only one I could think of is when I was a freshmen is HS and I was sitting in science class. And I sat next to the door, and sometimes it would get stuck, so me being next to it always had to get up to get it. Well, one day the whole class was working on a test and I hear the door. So I got up to answer it and no one was there, I even poked my head out of the door to see. When I turned around everyone was staring at me. I never felt my face get so hot before.
Another one, when I was at work, it was my first few weeks there. I slid a credit card for this lady and brought it up to 1000.00 instead of 100!! Everyone at work was trying to get it back to normal. I was horrified!
Once in fifth or sixth grade during a field day, we were standing near other kids who were playing a handball game. I remember telling my friend something about getting hit by the ball and in like three seconds, i get slammed by the handball (same size as a dodgeball), and lets just say im a guy and it hit me in the wrong place lol. Like 50 people were staring at me and a teacher asked if i wanted to go to the nurse. And half the people thought i was just being a baby because it looked like it hit me in the chest.
I have a entire list of embarassing moments
I can't talk when someone popular talks to me
Sometimes I say really stupid things
I ussualy forget peoples names
I chew gum really loud, when i pop the gum it sounds like a bomb
I ussualy trip in gym,just because I'm clumbsy
I can crack all the bones in my body and sometimes it's too loud
I can burrrrp really loud.
I can babble on when i talk to a cute boy
Sometimes i sing and people hear me.I can NOT sing
When people want me to dance... I can't
There are alot of ways that I can be emmbarrased but you can laugh at them in the future...or try to forget... :)
hahaha, i don't even wanna go there with mine.
i started dating this kid in, about maybe the eighth grade, i was really shy, and i still am so it's hard to ask where the bathroom was?!?
i liked to spend quality time with him, but i wanted my mom to come pick me up like asap, i had to go pee, and i just couldn't hold it anymore and was too scared cause his parents were around and stuff, it was horrible! i just wanted to cry! haha.
i can honestly say i've never tripped with food, and that's a plus! (;
My mom used to pack my lunch for me in Elementary shool and she would do it early in the morning before she went to work and took me to the babysitters. So in 3rd grade I was in the cafeteria at lunch time and I opened my lunch pale and all these ants came out! Apparently she had taken an apple from the counter that had ants on it! I was humiliated!
when i was a teenager i slept naked. i had a fairly obnoxious cat that made sure you knew when it wanted to go out. one day as she was screaming at the top of the stairs (had a basement room with a door at the top) and i was sleeping through a morning, i woke up and ran up the stairs to let her out. i thought i was alone. i had just woken up, i was a teenager. do the math here, while my mind was not alert other parts of me were. as i was letting out my cat with the intentions of just going back to bed right after my dad walked around the corner and after that horrible second that seemed to last forever i ran back downstairs and passed out with a beet red face. we never spoke of this event
I was doing a headstand for my friend's dad (i was like 7) and i farted really loudly. My whole family, my friend, and her dad started laughing.
And that same friend de-pantsed me at a neighborhood barbeque. I was so shocked i just stood their for a few seconds before realizing what had happened. The whole neighborhood saw my underpants.
Me and my friends were at school on a Sunday and there was a lemon tree and started to eat and throw away the lemons on the ground. After that we decided to play "rock tag" and I was running I slipped on one of the lemons fell and busted my head on to this rail. The next day I told everyone I was trying to land this kickflip off a 6 stair building
ok a few months ago i was walking down the hallway with my crush, totally distracted. I had music then gym, but i thought it was gym then music. so i went into gym and changed into my gym clothes.
when i got into class, i realized i was in the wrong class. i was really late so i didn't bother to change back but i ran to music. I was late, and in my gym clothes when i burst into class. my teacher was really nice about it, but well i don't think the kids were behind my back.
i had my best friend throw an eraser down my shirt and then i had to go up to the teacher and tell him that i had to get it out. unfortunately he didn't understand that it was in my bra and kept asking me if it was stuck. i was so mad i started yelling and laughing all at the same time and soon the whole class knew...
after about another 5 minutes of explaining he finally let me go to the bathroom to get it out
One time when I was at work for a super market, they go to the fair and sell their products. So one day i was told to go get the tent pitches for the fair out of the truck. So I went to the truck and tried opening the door and when the lady driving it looked at me i screamed it was locked and then i tried getting in the front and when i opened the door she sped away. I turned away to see my boss laughing just so i can find out that wasn't the right truck and that i was trying to get in the car with a stranger
I asked my boss - a very successful, classy, self-made man - to allow me to leave work early so that I could vote a couple months back - and he tells me, with a smile - "Do your duty" - and I said, "but I did doodie two hours ago". He laughed - but it was a Freudian slip - trying to make a joke - but clearly in the wrong social setting.
I laughed - later.
umm well it was in like 1st grade... and it was in gym... O_O and the teacher scared me and she wouldnt let us go to bathroom while she was talking.. and i relly had to go... so i just did it there and yeah i was all embarssed about it... cause the nurse had to give me hobo pants O_O but then i got voted the happiest kid in 1st grade so it was all good (:
one time a little while ago,
i was in the shower shaving and all of a sudden,
my shave gel busted.
it got all in my eyes and mouth,
i tried to get it out,
but i couldn't and it stated to burn like CRAZY,
so i threw on my towel
and ran downstairs to my mom,
and then i realized all of my older brothers friends were
sitting their while i was almost naked,
horrible :P
similar happened to me but i spilled milk all over myself in school, then i got up to go clean it off, then i slipped on some bbq sauce and that got all ove my back and the whole cafiteria was stairing at me. i was in 3rd grade and i cried too lol.
in sixth grade a locker slammed in my face and i fell out for a while X( then i woke up but i was hanging on an open door in front of the whole sixth grade during class change
i walked into a wall two times hahahah
i fell the first time and got back up laughing then i started walking and nailed it again...im very stupid lol
right in front of the girl i liked
it was really quiet in study hall, and i bent down to get something off the floor and i farted really loud.
p.s.-sixth grade
my mom dropped me off at school and as a closed the door my backpack strap got stuck she didnt notice so she drove off and i was gettin pulled also.. lol everyone saw it.. she wasnt going fast kuz there was traffic. it was embarassing
My roommate and his girlfriend had sexual relations in my room while I was napping in college. They didn't know I was there until I quietly "rolled over to become more comfortable". They didn't know I was awake.
in front of ma whole class i let one out.(FFFFFFAAAAARRRRRTTTTT).
Pull up the window. Everyone started to laugh. Thats the only one i could think of on top of my head
i ran into a pole once. it hurt and i also tripped a year ago into water with my freinds watching it was embarrising
was running into a lake because i was skinny dipping at night with friends, dove in and hit a big rock just under the surface, breaking my nose.
When i slip on a wet floor and ran into a guy's tray and splattered food all over him and myself. And i like him too. :/
I was going across one of those pulley things and a boy pulled down my pants for the whole playground to see!
I was in the 3rd grade
I cried all the way home! :'(
well one time in a restaurant i tripped a water i thought it will be fun but then all the food landed on me and it gets worse we had to pay a bill
while sleep walking i was caught peeing in my parents closet...???!!! why?.. IDK like i said i was sleep walking
Hahahaha aawww. Sorry for the laughs, but it seems funny :)
My most embarrassing moment was when... hmm... I actually don't really know. I've had plenty of embarassing moments but I tend to let the go afterwards and forget about them. It's the easiest way to get through it!
...Maybe that time I farted in class...
your bcr
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