Saturday, March 3, 2012

I want to find a stratagy game i played online from around 2000-2006?

it was browser statagy game you build like hot dog stand, burger shop,pawn shop ect and you could set a a camera,thug,guard dog ect. on it to protect it, but you also tried to take out other players by taking over their bussiness or just blowing it up and you got to put a building where theirs used to be, you could use stink bombs smoke bombs fire or you could even use nuke. please help me remember this game and hope i can still play it! object of game takeover! you actully placed buildings. please help!I want to find a stratagy game i played online from around 2000-2006?
Why not try the most popular stratagy game - WarFlow.

WarFlow is a browser based city building and real time strategy game based on an ancient land. Besides the magnificent architecture, the variable combinations of glorious troops, the meticulous economic and item refining system, and a whole long-lasting ancient culture background, are all lying underneath the surface awaiting players to explore.I want to find a stratagy game i played online from around 2000-2006?

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