Friday, February 24, 2012

I have 2 do a tuc shop qustionnare and get people to do?

please can some people do it please

Tuc shop questionnaire

1) Do you want a tuc shop?

yes no

2) How much will you spend?

Less than 拢1, 拢1-拢2, 拢2-拢3, More then 拢3

3) What sweets do you want?

Cola bottles, haribo, Fruit pastilles, chocolate, ufos

4) What drinks do you want?

coke, Pepsi, lemonade, lucazade, fanta

5) What warm food do you want?

pizza, chips, burger, Sausage rolls, other

6) What should we do with the money?

charity, Buy more school equipment, Buy extra things for sale, other

7) Would you want fruit?

yes no

8) Would you use it every day?

yes no

9) If you don鈥檛 use it every day how often would you use it?

Twice a week, Once a week, Fortnightly, monthly, Less often

10) When would you use it?

break, lunch, bothI have 2 do a tuc shop qustionnare and get people to do?
1 yes

2less than 2

3Cola bottles and chocolate

4Pepsi and fanta

5pizza and burgers




9 twice a week

10 lunch

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