Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Why do some things have coupons (eg. Burger King) and others don't (eg. Abortions)?

For example, on the back of recipts and in the mail you get coupons for such shops as Burger King, dry cleaners etc. But in all my life, I've never seen a coupon to Abortion Clinics, or Tattoo Parlours. Why is this so?Why do some things have coupons (eg. Burger King) and others don't (eg. Abortions)?
Well the point of a coupon it to to encourage you to choose one type brand in the same category of service. Clothes and food and places to shop do this so you choose their brand and make a profit. Interestingly Tattoo parlours may do it but genenrally for some services you dont want something that sounds like a deal because it makes you question the credibility of the service, ie cheap plastic surgery. Your more worried about quality then price, and lets face it if your eating fast food you know its not quality. As for abortions I don't think anyone involved in that wants to encourage that and certainly if your getting an abortion you wouldn't be looking for the cheapest and easiest way to do it. Cheers.Why do some things have coupons (eg. Burger King) and others don't (eg. Abortions)?
It is basically demand supply gap. It is your choice to eat a burger (branded) or an idli or a samosa (more of supply). In case of abortion, it is a compulsion (mostly).

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